Hi there!
Welcome to elizabetharmstrongart.com My new online shop! For those of you who are new to my work I have been an artist for over 25 years and am a self published author and teacher.
It has taken the better part of 2020 to create this new site, and it's been a very exciting trip!
So grab a cuppa and have a great time wandering through the various categories. New items will be appearing regularly so I hope you'll stop by often to have a look.
Please feel free to contact me here.
Every best wish

Your art always makes me smile. It is so welcomed at this time of global turmoil
Another hundred days will be fun for us to watch. Feel free to take a small break but please continue when inspiration and time allow.
Hugs from Kallista😍
This sounds like it will be great fun! Thanks for sharing something enjoyable that will look good and be useful, too.
Hello there, I absolutely love your work. Such happy designs and colors. So excited to see your art. Keep playing and working and sharing.
Looks great Elizabeth x